139,445 - SMB
Port: 139,445 (TCP)
The Server Message Block (SMB) is a network protocol used by Windows-based computers that allow systems within the same network to share files. This service can run on either port 139 or port 445 by default.
SMB General Enumeration
A quick way to discover NetBIOS services on a network is with nbtscan.
With Nmap, you can obtain domains, groups, processes, services, sessions, shares and users.
Then, you can check for vulnerabilities.
Thanks to crackmapexec and valid credentials, you can obtain helpful information with the following options:
Finally, you can use enum4linux to gather even more information:
User enumeration
After executing the Nmap scan, you should check if it allows NULL
, guest or anonymous login to check if shares are available.
Note: -N
is for not prompting for a password.
With crackmapexec this can be achieve with the following command.
rpcclient enumeration - port: 135
Thanks to rpcclient, you can obtain information about the domain, printers, groups and users.
Enumerate users by brute-forcing the RID on the remote target.
Shares enumeration
Once checked that the attacker has access to the SMB service, it has to check the permissions for each share:
In case of read access, you can list the files of each share:
Finally, you can access a share to upload or download the files manually or recursively.
Alternatively, you can mount a share to explore it.
Netbios Enumeration- Port 139
On older hosts, you can encounter errors interacting with them. As a solution add client min protocol = LANMAN1
to GLOBAL setting in /etc/samba/smb.conf
Another alternative is using --option='client min protocol'=LANMAN1
with the smbclient command.
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